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Edupreneur Of The Year (Over 30)

Country: Kenya

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About Us: Universite Sustainable Development Consultant Ltd is a leading global consultancy firm dedicated to catalyzing transformative change towards a sustainable and equitable future. Grounded in the principles of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the "5 Ps" framework, our consultancy services are designed to shape inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable societies worldwide. Vision: Our vision is to be a global leader in driving transformative change towards a sustainable and equitable future. We envision a world where our strategic consultancy services, deeply rooted in the principles of the UN SDGs and the "5 Ps," play a pivotal role in shaping inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable societies. Mission: At Universite Sustainable Development Consultant Ltd, we are committed to advancing the principles of sustainable development as outlined by the United Nations' SDGs. Our mission is to contribute to global efforts in building a more inclusive, prosperous, and sustainable world through strategic consulting services that align with the "5 Ps": Peace, Prosperity, People, Planet, and Partnerships. Core Principles: Sustainability: We integrate sustainability principles into all our consultancy services, promoting environmentally friendly practices and solutions. Inclusivity: We ensure inclusivity and diversity in all projects, considering the needs of marginalized and vulnerable populations. Innovation: We embrace innovative solutions and technologies that contribute to sustainable development goals. Ethical Conduct: We uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct, transparency, and accountability in all consultancy activities. Continuous Learning: We commit to ongoing education and learning to stay at the forefront of sustainable development practices. Goals: Contribute to the achievement of specific SDGs through impactful consultancy projects. Raise awareness about sustainable development practices and their importance. Foster long-term partnerships with clients and collaborators who share our commitment to sustainability.
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