Nominee Submission

The majority of the African population is the youth, also the majority of the people faced with unemployment are the youth. Therefore, we must start thinking about building businesses in order to create more opportunities for other young people that can not. If 50% of young Africans joining university started a business in their 1st year, by the time they graduate they could have created more than enough jobs for the remaining 50%

FOYA East Africa exists to recognize and appreciate young founders contributing to the development of the African continent through entrepreneurship. Our mission is not to undertake the standard, uninspiring, decades-old feting of successful seasoned entrepreneurs; it is precisely the opposite, to galvanise and honour the young and mostly unknown who face daunting challenges to compete and establish their brands in the marketplace hence creating employment opportunities.

After running in Kenya for four years in 2020 FOYA East Africa expanded into Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda. We did not stop there, FOYA East Africa in 2021 marked a milestone as we expanded the awards to include Nigeria, Ghana, Zambia and South Africa.

FOYA East Africa is a true testament to the grit, passion, and endurance of the young men and women across the continent who keep the faith in a more prosperous future by harnessing their talent, thirst for knowledge, and go-getter attitude to achieve their dreams against all odds.

We believe that you should be recognized and appreciated. Winning a FOYA East Africa award will expose you and your business across Africa and means that YOU are a true representation that young people can and will inspire other young people to want to be like YOU.

Want to be part of FOYA East Africa nominees? Submit your details or your friends’ details below

Nominee Submission