Voting Count Down

Agripreneur Of The Year (Over 30)

Region: General

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Farm with Bisase Africa, founded by Lilian Bisase, is a multi-pronged initiative empowering the next generation of food changemakers in agriculture and rural development. It tackles the challenges young farmers face through two main approaches: 1. Hands-on Mentorship: Lilian's farm serves as a living classroom where young agri-preneurs learn by doing. They get practical guidance on crop selection, sustainable practices, and navigating the market, while also fostering a supportive community to learn from each other and overcome obstacles. Think of it as a hands-on bootcamp with a strong sense of camaraderie. 2. Amplifying Voices: Farm with Bisase Africa doesn't just equip young farmers with skills, it empowers them to make their voices heard. Through platforms like the AGRIBONGA SERIES and public speaking engagements, Lilian acts as their advocate, connecting them with resources, market opportunities, and potential partners. They gain visibility and the support needed to turn their agricultural dreams into reality. In short, Farm with Bisase Africa is more than just farming. It's about nurturing confident, skilled, and connected young farmers who can transform the agricultural landscape with sustainable practices, innovative solutions, and a whole lot of passion. It's about enabling them to become the drivers of thriving farms and vibrant rural communities, changing the world one seed at a time.
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