Voting Count Down

Agripreneur Of The Year (Under 30)

Region: General

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Babirye Angella
Lamalo Essentials


Lamalo Essentials , is an agribisness  company that  adds value to seeds , we makes cold pressed seed oils like sesame oil,neem oil, castort oil peanut oil, and moringa oil . Body butters like shea butter and cocoa butter . We  make handcrafted natural soaps with no synthetic ingredients and we use our cold pressed seed oils to make them.  The seeds are locally harvested in Uganda from small holder farmers  . We are working together with small holder farmers to ensure that we reserve the traditional trees like Shea nuts and neem trees as they have a lot of benefits, we also buy our seeds direct from small holder farmers mainly in Northern and eastern regions of Uganda to ensure that they get a fair payment hence improving their livelihoods. We also provide natural cold pressed seed cakes after pressing our oils to farmers, which is given to the animals and also helps to improve soil fertility . We are working together with the community, where we provide hands-on skills training and participate in programs that encourage the community to plant more trees like neem trees and moringa trees that can help them earn a living as well as save the environment.
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