Voting Count Down

Edupreneur Of The Year (Over 30)

Region: General

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Ngojea Kitinusa
Every Child Tanzania (ECT)


Every Child Tanzania (ECT) is a community-based leadership organization that inspires youth to create social impact. Our vision is that, one day every child in Tanzania will have the opportunity to achieve their full potential and change the world. We believe that the pathway for youth empowerment lies with the youth themselves – meaning we involve our beneficiaries in designing and implementing our programs and services. ECT runs four main programs: ● Youth leadership camps ● Educational scholarships ● Teacher training ● Community development projects In the last six years, we’ve run three leadership camps and empowered 2010 young girls and boys aged 16-19 – witnessing the impact the organization has had on confidence, skills, and growth mindsets. ECT has helped more than 150 students achieve their educational dreams through Education sponsorship – and facilitated 90+ community development projects.
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