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Edupreneur Of The Year (Under 30)

Region: General

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Justus Memusi Kishoyian
Utawala Road view School-Narok


Utawala Roadview school-Narok is an early chilhood Development and education centre in Narok a semi arid area of Kenya. It provides two hot meals a day and an education to children aged 3-10 years.The vision of the centre focuses on the Learners' acquisition of not just knowledge,but also key skills and values that would lead to the learner becoming more an engaged,empowered and ethical citizen. Where We Started. Utawala Narok Schools was founded in 2020 when schools were closed in Kenya due the COVID-19. The center started under the tree at the view of Osilanga dam in Narok village where children aged 2-8 years used to come for feeding programme due to the huge drought that killed cattles and crops drying. Why We Started In Narok a semi arid area, most people depend on cattle and farming to feed their families and take children to school. Due the climate change farming is not doing well in the area hence most children could not access nutrious food other than at schools which were closed due to the COVID-19. Justus Kishoyian 25, a primary school teacher and special needs teacher founded the centre that feeds children from the village, playing games such as football,doing beadwork and art to include those with disabilities and keeping them busy while educating them. Where We are now The school grew from just providing one meal a day under the tree to providing two hot meals,education and art such as bead work and co-curricular activies such as football, swimming, scouting, environment and music. The centre also provides adults education and special needs programmes during weekends and school holidays to men and women who never had an opportunity to get education in their childhood. Our Guiding Principles. •Opportunity We provides each learner with various opportuinities to identify and explore talents. •Diversity and inclusion. As we have differences such as religion,race and ability, we appreciate and accomodate all to ensure no learner is left behind. •Parental empowerment and engagement. Parents have a share responsibility with school to ensure the learning of their children. •Community service learning We ensure that learners put in practise what they learn in school and provides opportuinity to solve community problems. VALUES √Love We provide a conducive environment where every learner feel loved including those with disabilities. √Respect We nurture respect through inclusion of person with disabilities and those from disadvantaged families. √ Unity We work with the community and faith based organizations with a common goal regardless of background and ability
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