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Entertainment Founder Of The Year (Under 30)

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Fire K Stars Dancers Africa
Fire K Stars Dancers Africa


Hello family,we are humbled to be your number one fan, kindly requesting you to nominate us "Fire K Stars Dancers Africa" or to get a grammy Certificate in our creative dance career Please we shall be humbled if our application is considered. Fire K Stars Dancers Africa is a group Multiple International Awards winners of talented girls,boys and kids which was created by Kamoga Tonny,Kavuma Prince(Kavuma Innocent)& Ssentongo Herbat, they received there international attention after winning the African Entertainment Award from the United States of America (AEAUSA) in 2020 as they where competiting with different famous Dancers and Dancing teams included the ones from the states,firekstars has also won numerous national and international awards,including MTM Award from London UK in 2022,Nigeria Achievers Award from Nigeria in 2021, and multiple Africa Music and Dance Awards. Has become the First Dancing Team in both Africa and East Africa to win the MTM Award from London in the category of Music and Entertainment.Has also become the first dance group to be nominated and there first nominations being Internationals and as well win there them that's the African Entertainment Award from USA and The Xtreem Awards 2020. Fire K Stars Dancers Africa are some orphans, some left schools not that we didn't want to study but tuition by the parents wasn't there, so we gathered together and came up with an Idea of dance of which we thought that one day may change our lives, through this dance career we have inspired many both orphaned and vulnerable people as well as kids believe in what they do that nomatter how poor or low you can be,talent can help you get food and as well have education, our vision is to change lives, life Style and as well the story line for all the kids in our community. Our dream is to have a home where we can even help more kids than the ones we have now🙏🙏 ,Wish we do a creative performance in HD of which can work as a Vatuaral performance on this coming Grammy Ceremony please, it's our dream to atleast showcase our best on such a big platform, thanks very much 🙏 Yours Kavuma Innocent the leader @firekstars
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