Voting Count Down

Founder Of The Year (Under 30)

Region: General

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Butumwa Agro-processors Ltd


We deal in coffee production and value addition. We source coffee from our farmer groups after training them on the proper farming techniques and this has helped us to have steady supply of coffee berries which we continue to solar dry, hull, roast, grind and pack to come up with a final product Butumwa coffee powder and Butumwa roasted coffee beans that we sell in supermarkets and retail shops. We are here to eliminate middlemen who exploit small holder farmers buy giving them pennies for their hard work and also control the supply of poor quality coffee in the East African coffee market. Through our fair price policy we buy coffee from farmers at a price that's relatively higher than the market price. We do this to keep farmers trust and also promote sustainability among our farmers. We not only train them coffee farming but also other food crops and trees planting to have food security during off seasons and also plant trees to save the ecosystem.
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