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Manufacturing Founder Of The Year (Under 30)

Region: General

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Kenton Mutethia Muthaura
Youths for the Boy Child Organization


Our organization takes pride in empowerment of the boy child by solving the plight that's facing them in today's world. We are therefore seeking to work towards achieving a fairly competitive world for the boy child and at the same time engage them in activities that would make them counter-productive. Our main focus include mentoring young boys on negative effects of drugs and substance abuse, offering educational scholarships, nurturing talents and offering talents exposure platforms, engaging them in income generating activities pertaining environmental conservation, promotion of good governance and human rights. BaFiEx Products Enterprises is a sustainable innovation championed by Youths for the Boy Child Organization.The innovation is involved in extraction of eco-friendly natural fibres used in textile,cottage, furniture and fashion industries.The natural fibres extracted are meant to be an alternative to synthetic fibres since they are able to decompose and add fertility to the soil hence preventing our globe from adverse effects of climate change posed by the non-biodegradable synthetic fibre-made products.
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