Voting Count Down

Social Founder Of The Year (Under 30)

Region: General

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Doris Kathia
Raise Your Voice CBO


Raise Your Voice is a community-based organization dedicated to advocating for the rights of adolescent girls and young women, especially those from marginalized groups (i.e sex workers, queer individuals, young mothers, and those living with HIV), to access Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services and information. Our Objective is to advocate for the rights of adolescent girls and young women, including marginalized groups, to access SRHR services and information. We aim to challenge societal norms and beliefs that inhibit the realization of SRHR policies and access to services. Our Vision is a world free of stigma, discrimination, and fear surrounding young people's access to SRHR information and services.  Our mission is to empower adolescent girls and young women by providing comprehensive and accurate SRHR information, advocating for their rights to access SRHR services and policies, and creating safe spaces for open discussion and sharing experiences.
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