Voting Count Down

Techpreneur Of The Year (Over 30)

Region: General

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Khalila Mbowe
Unleashed Africa Social Ventures


Unleashed Africa is a group of social enterprises working innovating at the intersection of youth development, social innovation and job creation. Through its brands, UA's offering stems from tech innovation, media innovation, program design and development in the creative industry, gender and social enterprise development. Its brands are Unleashed Academy for creative arts and leadership, Beautiful You Initiative and The Space (For Social entrepreneurs). Recently launched in Tanzania, under the Beautiful You Initiative is RiseUp. Marrying technology and community and leveraging on learning from several user research works, garnered from running girl child development programs, RiseUp optimizes the cluttered digital arena to connect girls and women, regardless their backgrounds, to opportunities, at scale. RiseUp is a digital Opportunity Community for girls and women from ages 13 to 35 years; connecting them to the opportunities, information and networks they need to level up personally and professionally. We are committed to working with girls to ensure that they have the tools and the resources they need to figure out the 'what' and 'how' towards achieving their dreams. The RiseUp community has grown to over 5,000 girls and women across Tanzania, having successfully connected hundreds to opportunities and have created a safe space for our community to engage with role models and mentors, with peers and most importantly with themselves. RiseUp is a vehicle built for collaboration. Running alongside a mentorship program, an apprenticeship program and a skills development program, RiseUp works with partners to reach gender equity targets as a collective. Our team believes and advocates strongly for collaborative efforts to propel the girl child towards her inevitable success; spilling over into positive wider community impact.
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